10 amazing facts about the Internet! Do you know?

It is difficult to imagine the present world without the Internet. Communication,  education,  shopping,  information, entertainment are all constantly becoming more internet dependent. Like everything else, the internet has both good and bad aspects.

But that is not the talk of the town today. Let's find out some information about the Internet. Facts. The facts that remain unknown to us and are quite surprising to know; There are 10 such facts in today's article. 

10 amazing facts about the Internet

What happens on the Internet in 1 second

A second is a very short time. But what happens in a second this vast state of the Internet is amazing. On the Internet every 1 second-

  • 1,03,765 GB of data exchanged
  • 87,008 times searched on Google
  • 86,613 videos were uploaded to YouTube
  • 29,64,425 emails were exchanged
  • Tweeted 9,204
  • Skype calls5,091 times!

Here's what happens every second you can see what happens on the internet if you want.  You can also see a variety of live internet-related statistics on the site. 

More than half of the world's population uses the Internet

According to ICT, about 4.7 billion or 472,57,72,971 people currently use the Internet around the world (at the time of publication).  That's more than half of the world's total population of 7.8 billion. And the number of internet users is increasing now.

Most of us don't know about the first social media

Well, what is the first social media when you are asked? What to say?  Facebook or MySpace? I don't know if you know, but I didn't know the answer to this question before today.

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Facebook is the first thing that comes to our mind today when it comes to social media. But in 1999, about 7 years before Facebook was created, social media or social networks were first created on the Internet. Which was called SixDegree.com. Where for the first time users could share their information or pictures. 

The internet is much older than you know

To find the beginning of the internet, you have to go to the first decade of the 20th century. At that time, some scientists and engineers thought of using technology to exchange information. But that thought could not respond so long as an inter-cosmic computer network was thought to be built from MIT. It was the 60s. 

Shortly thereafter, the Arpanette or Advanced Research Project Agency Network was created. Which was the first effective pre-technology of the internet. 

Google is the busiest website on the Internet

According to the online traffic ranking site Alexa, Google has the highest number of users among all websites. Google visits the largest number of people from all over the world every day. Second, on this list is Google's more constituents YouTube

WordPress is the worst victim of the hack

Everyone who has a little idea about the Internet knows WordPress. WordPress is one of the most popular CMS or content management systems in the world. 33.6% of websites on the Internet are WordPress support. So WordPress is also at the top of hackers' choice. So far, 83% of the hacked websites were made using WordPress.

NASA's Internet speed is 91 Gbit in seconds

The internet speed used in the American space research agency NASA is 91 gigabytes per second. Which is about 1300 times faster than the normal speed of the Internet used in theUS.

But the Internet is not used only by people

Have you faced tests to prove that you are a person when you enter a website? It's not unusual to be. Because along with people, the internet browses programs that make people. These programs are called bots. This program or bot is 51.8% of the total Internet users! The remaining 48.2% of the people!

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Chinese make up a quarter of the total internet users

About one-fourth of the large internet users live in China. 

Our internet addiction is constantly on the rise

According to a 2019 Internet Trend report,  an adult (who uses the Internet) is active online for an average of 5.9 hours a day. That is, about a third of the day.' And it's increasing every day. Internet-centriclivelihoods, entertainment, and communication systems are mainly responsible for this.

The event was about 10 amazing internet information. How did these facts feel? If you like, definitely don't forget to share this amazing internet information with friends.

There is no reliable or non-official source of information. So we won't claim that internet information is 100 percent accurate. If any information seems inconsistent or incorrect, let us know immediately. We shall correct it, Inshallah. 

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